Career Development

Picture of a guy with his ear cocked, hand against his hear to hear better, and into his ear appear to be flowing a tide of letter and symbols.

Hum A Few Bars, And We’ll See About Copyright

A powerful program called Content ID is used by YouTube to flag copyrighted music in its uploaded videos. Content ID […]

Two young techies looking out over what appears to be a bank of servers.

One Labor Shortage That Could Cost Companies Dearly

At a time when cybersecurity threats are getting worse and there’s a shortage of qualified professionals to defend against them, […]

A stylize blue checkerboard grid with warning icon, exclamation point in the middle of it.

Board, C-Suite Warned: Cyber-Risk Is Your Issue

Cyber risk management is team sport, says a post from the World Economic Forum, but it warns that failed communication […]

Silhouette of businessman with briefcase, with swirls of iconic money images revolving around his head, and a question mark above his head.

Health Care Co, Under Scrutiny For Overbilling, Is Big Donor To State AG

A healthcare company in the process of settling “Medicaid billing issues” with the state of Georgia has been a major […]

A two-person canoe, with the persons back to back and each paddling in a different direction.

Spouse Trouble: The Supreme Court’s Lax Recusal Rules

A post from Politico makes a case that the current ethical rules for the U.S. Supreme Court are woefully deficient, […]

An index finger pointing to a page that has head shots of numerous people on it.

Legal Recruiter Loses Trade Secrets Case

A legal recruiter was ordered by a federal judge in Austin, Texas to pay his former employer $3.6 million in […]

Closeup of two gavels, posed as if they are facing off.

ADA “Shakedown” Lawsuit Dismissed In CA

A lawsuit filed earlier this year by the district attorneys of Los Angeles and San Francisco accused a San Diego […]

Dark image of a man in a suit sitting with his hands crossed at a table, before a not quite visible person across from him who seemingly is being called to account.

ESG On The Carpet

The Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) movement has produced “an opaque and perverse system in which some financial companies no […]

Abstract illustrationn or design featuring a pattern of slightly open doors in their door frames.

Balancing The Inside-Outside Equation

Legal recruiter Christine Berger takes up a perennial question for young law firm attorneys: Will I be better off ditching […]

Two symmetical shadowy male figures, out of focus, facing each other and gesturing as if talking to each other.

Dangerous Hybrid: “Psychological” Cyber Crime

Sophisticated cyber-engineering skills are not required. At work here is a new iteration of an old archetype, the con artist […]

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