Career Development

Closeup detail photo of knotted rope.

If You Want Cheaper Cyber Insurance, Tighten The Ship

A post by an executive from international insurer Allianz includes highlights from a recent Allianz publication titled “Cyber: The changing […]

Symbolic illustration: two figures in a dimly lit space shing a searchlight at a stairwell leading upwards.

The Diciest Of Corporate Governance Issues

They’ve gotten more expensive and the range of issues spawning them has grown wider, according to a post from law […]

Secondary Liability Under the Antiterrorism Act

Former Cypto GC Joins Senator Gillibrand’s Staff

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) has brought in a former general counsel with cryptocurrency company Coinbase to be her chief counsel […]

Cartoonish illustration of woman on a step ladder confronting a stack of preciously balanced shapes.

The GC/Risk-Management Dynamic In Three Companies

An article in Canadian Lawyer reports on a forum that brought together general counsel from three major Canadian companies, along […]

A house of cards collapsing.

FTX Collapse Ensnares Celebrity Endorsers

Given the practice has been going on since at least the 1930s and probably long before that, it seems outlandish […]

Cartoon of a smiling stick figure in holding a drill after drilling a hole in his own boat.

Expected Increase In Legal Malpractice Claims

A Georgia attorney with a legal malpractice specialty reports that malpractice carriers are expecting to see a claims uptick. Historical […]

Color illustration of man sweeping debris - paper, etc. - under a rug.

DHS Official To In-House Lawyers: Don’t Be “Risk-Averse” About Reporting Cyber Attacks

Too many in-house counsel yield to an “ingrained, cultural risk aversion” and fail to report cyber attacks, says a senior […]

business person walking on road

Planning for the General Counsel’s Departure

For many general counsel, succession planning is either a low priority or is unnecessary. However, the point of a succession […]

Somebody's arm over a desk dropping a key into the hand of another arm over the desk.

Mass Exit From Twitter In-House Legal

More than half of Twitter’s recent legal team, including several senior attorneys, have refused to commit to Elon Musk’s hardcore […]

Picture of a guy with his ear cocked, hand against his hear to hear better, and into his ear appear to be flowing a tide of letter and symbols.

Hum A Few Bars, And We’ll See About Copyright

A powerful program called Content ID is used by YouTube to flag copyrighted music in its uploaded videos. Content ID […]

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