
woman at self service kiosk

What General Counsel Should Know About Kiosk Fraud Prevention

In today’s digital landscape, where credit cards are swiped virtually everywhere, bad actors can exploit sensitive information.

business person looking at lit path in maze, career path concept

How Aspiring GCs Are Mapping A Career Path to General Counsel

Learn how aspiring GCs are mapping a career path to general counsel.

baseball in glove

It’s Time to End Baseball’s Antitrust Exemption

Read why baseball’s long-standing antitrust exemption should come to an end.

Litigate or arbitrate concept, two gavels coming down on attorney

“Litigate or Arbitrate” Is a False Dichotomy

For existential problems, courts often are the deciders, while alternative dispute resolution (ADR) can resolve lesser matters more efficiently.

Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 MAX 9 Portland

Boeing’s PR Debacle Delivers A Lesson in Crisis Management

In January 2024, a door plug panel blew off an Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 MAX 9 in mid-flight, causing rapid […]

cybercrime prevention and cyber vulnerability testing concept

How Legal Departments Can Conduct Effective Cyber Vulnerability Testing

In recent months, the Federal Communications Commission expanded its data breach notification rules while the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s […]

contract lifecycle management (CLM)

Breaking the Groundhog Day Cycle: A Fresh Approach to Contracts

Albert Einstein observed that doing the same thing repeatedly while expecting different results is the definition of madness. He had […]

AI and copyright litigation concept

AI and Copyright: Preparing Your Business for the Next Wave of Litigation

With the growth of artificial intelligence (AI), copyright registration is more important than ever. Copyright infringement will be the next […]

pregnant mother at workplace

Examining New Workplace Accommodation Laws on Pregnancy, Religion, and Disability

Employers need to ensure they are compliant with new workplace accommodation laws on pregnancy, religion, and disability.

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