
McDonalds's drive thru

Ruling Redefines “Rule of Reason” in McDonald’s Antitrust Case

No-poach agreements are a hot topic in antitrust. Both government agencies and private plaintiffs have challenged such agreements. Recently the […]

Unfair Competition Under Section 5 of the FTC Act

Unfair Competition Under Section 5 of the FTC Act

The Federal Trade Commission under Chair Lina Khan has sought to invigorate competition enforcement and rulemaking since President Biden appointed […]

fix prices

The Exchange of Information: Per Se or Rule of Reason?

Recently, I attended the ABA Antitrust Section’s Spring Meeting in Washington. One of the hot topics of discussion was the […]

A lone silhouette sailboat on a calm blue sea.

The FTC Rule Banning Noncompete Agreements

A hot topic in antitrust today is the FTC’s proposed rule banning noncompete agreements as an unfair method of competition […]

Major Antitrust Trends For 2015

The BakerHostetler Antitrust advocate previews some information to be found in The Antitrust Review of the Americas 2015, which includes […]

Eliminate The Antitrust Exception To Corporate Charging Guidelines

There is one glaring exception to a Department of Justice policy that considers the existence of a compliance program as a factor in determining whether to charge a corporation with a crime.

NCAA Antitrust Lawsuit, Five Years In The Making, Begins In California Court

The NCAA will pay $20 million to some student football and basketball athletes who sued over the use of their […]

Antitrust Implications Of Silicon Valley Employee Raiding Settlement

Ogletree Deakins attorney Thomas McInerney blogs about the national implications of a settlement in an employee raiding case out of […]

Cartel Enforcement Ramps Up In China

In the past year, antitrust enforcement in China, particularly enforcement against cartel activity, has intensified. Linklaters attorneys Fay Zhou and […]

Steve Jobs A “Walking Antitrust Violation”

In a New York Times feature article, reporter James B. Stewart talks to a law professor who makes the case […]

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