Supreme Court Needs 10 More Judges, says Posner

August 4, 2017

Appellate Court Judge Richard Posner thinks the Supreme Court is understaffed. It should have 19 members, not nine, he says. In a recent talk at the Univ. Of Chicago he called the nine who presently serve “mediocre and highly politicized,” and opined that we have “a crappy judicial system” overall. “If you had 19 members you would inevitably have more diversity,” he said, and added that no president since Herbert Hoover has appointed a Supreme Court justice who “was not in either his personal or his political interest.” Last month Posner told Slate that the Supreme Court should not be limited to lawyers because businessmen, politicians or teachers could rely on law clerks for legal technicalities, and most of the technicalities are antiquated crap anyway.

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