Stephen Colbert Legally Blocked From Being Stephen Colbert
August 2, 2016
With the election season in full swing, CBS “Late Show” host Stephen Colbert wanted to revive his character, a clueless conservative egomaniac also named “Stephen Colbert,” who was popularized on Comedy Central’s “The Colbert Report.” But lawyers for the cable comedy network pushed back, saying the character “Stephen Colbert” was their intellectual property. So, “with a heavy heart,” Colbert informed his audience that “The lawyers have spoken. I cannot reasonably argue that I own my face and name. And as much as I’d like to have that guy on again, I can’t.” However, he introduced a new character, “Stephen Colbert’s identical cousin,” who bears a striking resemblance to the character Stephen Colbert in both looks and manner. Then Colbert also revived one of the most popular segments from his old show, changing it from “The Word” to “The Werd.” The new Colbert character told his host, “Stephen, whenever you need me, wild horses ridden by corporate lawyers could not keep me away.”
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