A Set Of Worldwide IP “Heat Maps”

December 17, 2014

From Baker & McKenzie, a set of international IP law maps that provide an overview of the state of the law in three crucial categories: protection of nontraditional trademarks, copyright registrations, and “recordal” of intellectual property rights with customs. Each category is further broken down and graphically displayed across a worldwide color map. For example, the possibility of registering non-traditional trademarks in a various countries is broken down by types of trademark (e.g. sound, color or slogan), each of which is displayed on a map showing where the type of trademark can and cannot be registered. The aim of this legal alert, the authors write, is to provide “a practical approach of these topics at the local, regional or global scale, in order to guide you in the elaboration and implementation of effective strategies for the protection and defense of your IP rights.”

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