Russian Hackers Are Said To Want To Embarrass U.S. During Election

November 7, 2016

Though the U.S. voting system is well-protected against cyber attacks thanks to a decentralized system and backup procedures, cybersecurity experts say Russia-sponsored hackers could use service denials or other disruptions to cast doubt upon the process. U.S. Intelligence agencies are pretty certain that Russia has been interfering with Hillary Clinton’s campaign for the presidency. “There is no cost,” Michael Allen, former staff director for the House Intelligence Committee and a senior national security aide during George W. Bush’s presidency, told the Los Angeles Times. “They are acting out because their risk tolerance is so high and the consequences are so low. Right now there is no cyber deterrence… There is no payback.” A Trump win, or prolonged unrest over the results of the election, would be a positive for Russia. “If Trump wins, it will be the biggest prize they can dream of,” Human Rights Foundation head and Putin opponent Garry Kasparov said. “If he loses, [doubt] will drag on for a long time, and accusations about the election being rigged.” Though the White House has asked for retaliation options, U.S. intelligence agencies have not been asked to launch a robust response to the leaks, according to the Times.

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