Leading Litigators Share Strategies & Tactics for Modernization
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Presented by Today’s General Counsel and UnitedLex

David R. Cohen, Partner, Chair, Records & E-Discovery (RED) Group, Member, Emerging Technologies Group, Reed Smith
Alicia Hawley, Of Counsel, eDiscovery Analysis & Technology (e-DAT) Practice, K&L Gates LLP
Adam Rouse, Director & Senior Counsel, eDiscovery Operations, Walgreen Co.
Cory Osher, Vice President, Analytics & AI, UnitedLex
MODERATOR: Savitha Masson, Vice President, Litigation Solutions & Advisory, UnitedLex

Leading Litigators Discuss Priorities and Strategies

Make no mistake — litigators are facing more pressure than ever before: Operate efficiently, with measurable results while taking on more, increasingly complex, litigation work — with stretched budgets and resources.

Across law firms and in-house departments alike, the mandate is clear: modernize to do more — better and faster — and at a lower cost, to maintain competitive advantage.

But just how are leading litigators meeting this mandate to modernize? This webinar takes a deep dive into modernization strategies and implications against the backdrop of findings from UnitedLex’s recent litigation survey, with a focus on data and AI initiatives, performance metrics, operational governance, and more.

Our expert panelists will share their experiences navigating this modernization paradigm and discuss:

  • Factors driving modernization — as an overwhelming percentage of both in-house and law firms respondents indicated modernization was critical to meeting litigation priorities.
  • Key strategies for aligning budget and resources.
  • How law firm litigators and in-house counsel are using, or plan to use, AI and generative AI for litigation work over the next 12-18 months — and how they plan to procure AI tools and expertise.
  • Top metrics law firms and in-house litigation teams are adopting to measure the effectiveness of their litigation practices — and where there are opportunities for enhanced alignment.
  • The dramatic shift in how practitioners are resourcing (and plan to resource) litigation tasks — with a specific focus on what types of tasks and expertise are increasingly being handled by ALSPs.

Register now to join the live presentation or to ensure you receive a recording of the webinar should you not be able to attend.

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