Give Me Data or Give Me Death – How Legal Departments Use Data to Survive

Presented by Today’s General Counsel and Gavelytics
Patricia Glaser, Partner, Chair of Litigation Department, GlaserWeil
Robert Taylor, VP, Senior Corporate Counsel, Liberty Mutual Insurance
Justin Brownstone, SVP, General Counsel, Gavelytics
Rick Merrill, CEO & Founder, Gavelytics
Are you using data to your advantage?
Don’t miss out on joining this webinar to learn the ways different types of legal departments are using data to improve operations. What data you can use, how you can use it and much more. We’ll talk to industry experts who’ll share their data experiences, challenges and advice.
This webinar is ideal for both data experts and novices who want to not only survive, but flourish in the data-driven legal landscape.
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