Creating a “Real-World” Data Retention Policy for Privacy and Records Compliance
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Presented by Today’s General Counsel and Contoural

Mark Diamond, CEO & President, Contoural
Kerry Childe, Esq., Senior Consultant, Contoural

Needing to comply with growing privacy requirements, many companies are creating data retention policies for the compliant retention and disposition of personal information, only to quickly find that stand-alone data retention policies can conflict with records management and other compliance requirements.

Subsequently, business units and other stakeholders jump in to remind everyone they need information to effectively run the business! Questions undoubtedly ensue, such as:

  • Should companies have one or two policies?
  • How should business needs be included?
  • How do we avoid saving everything forever? Or finally,
  • Once we create our policies, how do we execute them?

Join Mark Diamond and Kerry Childe, Esq. from Contoural, the largest independent provider of Strategic Information Governance Consulting services, as they discuss creating data retention policies that are compliant, avoid conflicts and can be executed in real-world environments.

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