Pricey Domain Name “Sucks” Might Be Worth It

March 26, 2015

The registrar that controls the domain name “sucks” will sell it to a company that would like to own it for $2,499. That a pretty hefty price tag in the world of domain names, but, alas, it might be cheaper in the long run than the alternative, which is that someone else buys it (possibly with the available consumer discount), puts your company name in front of it, and it then becomes a high-profile vehicle for trash talk. The idea is, if you buy it, you can bury it. A post from Polsinelli PC explains this and other of the esoteric details and fallout from the new generic top-level domain (gTLD) program. There is recourse if you deal with such problems as “sucks” after the fact, the writer notes – some administrative procedures, and of course litigation – but he warns that free speech and fair use arguments have prevailed in some previous attempts to stifle such sites as “”

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