Posner: Supreme Court Is “Awful”

November 2, 2016

In a recent interview, Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Richard Posner said, “I think the Supreme Court is awful. It’s reached a real nadir. Probably only a couple of the justices, Breyer and Ginsburg, are qualified. They’re okay, they’re not great.” He placed blame for a sub-standard court on the politicians who nominate and confirm them. “Of course the politicians don’t care about the quality of the justices – they’re politicians,” he said. In a note written later to clarify his statement, Posner doubled down: “I sometimes ask myself: whether the nine current Supreme Court Justices (I’m restoring Scalia to life for this purpose) are the nine best-qualified lawyers to be justices. Obviously not. Are they nine of the best 100? Obviously not. Nine of the best 1,000? I don’t think so. Nine of the best 10,000? I’ll give them that.”

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