New Wrinkle In White Hat Hacking – Ransom Refund

August 20, 2021

An unidentified hacker who ripped off a decentralized finance platform for $600 million in funny money returned about $260 million, explaining that he, she or it was simply exposing a vulnerability in the Poly Network system before it was exploited by a real villain, most likely a Poly Net insider. “The Poly Network is a decent system,” said the attacker. “It’s one of the most challenging attacks that a hacker can enjoy. I had to be quick to beat any insiders.” They (to choose a likely pronoun) explained that they didn’t want to panic the crypto world, and therefore chose to pay no attention to “shit coins” so people didn’t have to fret about a total collapse of their value. They eventually began to sell or swap stablecoins because they were unhappy with how Poly Network responded to the attack. “They urged others to blame and hate me before I had a chance to reply!” the attacker explained. “I am not very interested in money,” they added.

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