New Model For A Law Firm Out Of Silicon Valley

September 22, 2017

Atrium LLP launched earlier this month, featuring no billable hours and a sister company that will handle operations, including marketing, reports Robert Ambrogi on the LawSites blog. The founder of Atrium, a “serial entrepreneur” who is not a lawyer, also founded the sister company, Atrium Legal Technology Services, or Atrium LTS. The idea is that the lawyers with Atrium LLP will be able to concentrate on pure legal work, while cordoning off the business, marketing, operational and technology functions “and essentially outsourcing that to a very well-funded technology operation,” says one of the founding partners, who was formerly a partner at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe. Atrium, Ambrogi writes, “is positioning itself as a compelling alternative to traditional large law firms for corporate legal services, built around cost transparency and service excellence.” Initially it will offer two products, a subscription service that provides startups with legal services at fixed rates of $2,000 to $10,000 a month, and a legal and advisory service for startup fundraising that will charge a flat rate of between $25,000 and $45,000.” In a separate and later article on the Above the Law site, Ambrogi takes a somewhat more skeptical look, noting the new firm bears a strong resemblance to a firm called Clearspire Law that launched in 2010 and shut down after four years. But there are some differences, he says, and then again maybe Clearspire was just ahead of its time.

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