Leaked UN Report Warns Of Imminent Climate Change Disruption
January 17, 2014
A leaked report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says that progress in clean energy and conservation is being overwhelmed by increased coal-burning in developing countries. The report, according to an account in The New York Times, says that within decades the problem of climate change and consequent economic disruption is likely to be so advanced that the only way, if there is one, to address it will be massive projects to suck greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere. Although the richer countries have somewhat reduced their level of greenhouse gas production, by importing so much of what they ultimately use at the consumer level they are effectively exporting their greenhouse gas production to China. Meanwhile, according to the report, governments continue to spend far more money subsidizing fossil fuels than they do on developing alternatives. An official from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, which is going to be addressing climate change during a session next week, suggests that an alliance of companies might pick up the slack as governments fail to act.
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