Law Firm Goes Full CSI to Nail Guilty Tweeter

June 11, 2018

Who was behind the “burner” accounts on Twitter that defended Bryan Colangelo, president of basketball operations for the Philadelphia 76ers? The twits who tweeted about him had an assortment of armchair coach complaints – second guesses about whose contract was extended and whose wasn’t, Colangelo’s supposed sartorial extravagances including something weird about the collar on one of his shirts, and the record of a team that had by most accounts overachieved this past season – but the burning question was how did the anonymous tweeters get the inside info used to defend him? Enter law firm Paul, Weiss, hired by the 76ers to conduct a “forensic analysis” worthy of CSI Las Vegas. The firm collected laptops and mobile phones, and analyzed text messages and emails. The investigation lasted seven days. The evidence pointed to Colangleo’s wife, and the inevitable conclusion was that Mr. Colangelo had been “reckless in failing to properly safeguard sensitive, nonpublic, club-related information in communications with individuals outside the 76ers organization.” According to sources it is unlikely Mrs. Colangleo will face prosecution, but her husband was dismissed.

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