Law Enforcement Launches Tech Attack On Ransomware

October 15, 2020

Someone or some organization has been launching a series of coordinated attacks designed to disrupt Trickbot, a collection of more than two million malware-infected Windows PCs that are constantly being harvested for financial data, and are often used as the entry point for deploying ransomware within compromised organizations. Trickbot is said to hold passwords and financial data stolen from more than 2.7 million Windows PCs, but by Oct. 1 that number had suddenly grown to more than seven million. The system was being flooded with fake data allegedly from organizations like U.S. Bank, JP Morgan Chase, PNC and Citigroup, among others. It is an apparent attempt to dilute the Trickbot database. So far it has just managed to irritate ransomware groups that rely on Trickbot, which claim they’re going to double the ransom they’re asking for from a victim. The effort has the earmarks of a law enforcement operation similar to one launched in 2014 by U.S. and international law enforcement agencies, multiple security firms and private researchers. Trickbot would be an attractive target because it is widely viewed as a platform used to find potential ransomware victims. Intel 471 describes Trickbot as “a malware-as-a-service platform that caters to a relatively small number of top-tier cybercriminals.”

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