Koch Political Money Stymies a Pothole Tax
October 4, 2015
The mayor of a conservative Colorado town, the second largest in the state and home to a number of military installations, is not happy that the local branch of the Koch brothers’ “Americans for Prosperity” is working against his proposed 0.62 percent sales tax increase, which is earmarked for road repair in a town well known for crumbling roads. In his comments to the Washington Post, Colorado Springs’ Mayor John Suthers, a Republican and former Colorado attorney general, mostly held his fire against his presumed ideological allies, saying he didn’t want to get into “a back-and-forth.” But he did call the AFP’s take on the proposal “an incredibly uninformed analysis.” Americans for Prosperity, according to the article “is seizing on local issues across the country as it works to build a permanent grass-roots army.”
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