Judge Tells New Citizens If They Don’t Like Trump, “Go To Another Country”

November 21, 2016

San Antonio Judge John Primomo told a crowd gathered for a U.S. citizenship ceremony that, “[W]hether you voted for him or you did not vote for him,” Trump is your president. “[I]f you do not like that, you need to go to another country.” He also criticized American protestors after the election, and athletes like San Francisco quarterback Colin Kaepernick who have protested unequal protections of minorities by kneeling during the National Anthem. Primomo told San Antonio’s KENS 5 that he meant his words to be unifying, and not political. He also said he did not vote for Trump. The new citizens were hopeful. “The essence of Americans is that you have the right to vote and choose [who] to represent you,” said Rafael Guerra, who was born in Mexico. Iraqi native Mohammed Al Farradh said, “I believe that America is bigger than whoever is in office.”

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