Internet Giants Plan Net Neutrality ‘Day of Action’

June 7, 2017

Tech firms including Amazon, Etsy, Reddit, and Vimeo are planning a day of action on July 12 to draw attention to the rollback of net neutrality rules, proposed by the Federal Communications Commission. The Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality will encourage citizens to contact Congress and the FCC. “Net neutrality made it possible for Vimeo, along with countless other startups, to innovate and thrive. The FCC’s proposed rollback of the 2015 open internet rules threatens to impede that innovation and allow a handful of incumbent ISPs to determine winners and losers,” Vimeo said in a statement. “We have always been strong advocates for net neutrality and we will communicate that to all relevant agencies and Congress,”  Melissa Tidwell, Reddit’s general counsel, said in a statement.

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