How To Prevent Zoom Bombing
May 5, 2020
If you share your meeting link on social media or other public forums your event becomes public, and anyone with the link can join the meeting. Make sure you’re running the latest version of the app to ensure you have access to the most recent security updates and features. Review Zoom’s settings on your device, which will help you stay secure when using the software. Avoid starting public events using the Personal Meeting ID. According to Zoom, “your PMI is basically one continuous meeting and you don’t want randos crashing your personal virtual space after the party’s over.” Zoom suggests generating random meeting Ids and using the Waiting Room feature, which allows hosts to control who enters the meeting. Zoom also offers numerous other suggestions, which are explained by clicking on a link in the article Zdnet: how to lock the meeting; how remove unwanted or disruptive participants; how to turn off file transfer, disable video, mute participants, put participants on hold, etc.
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