Even Bad Clients Need Good Lawyers

February 8, 2016

The pervasive myth of sympathetic lawyers pledging only to defend the innocent is “corrosive and dangerous,” and has fed into the current culture of over-criminalization in the U.S., former law professor Garrett Epps writes in The Atlantic. “In a just society, government should ensure that no person is convicted or imprisoned who has not had a fair trial, with a lawyer equipped and willing to speak for him or her,” Epps says, in praise of two of his former students who are set to defend Ammon Bundy and others of the self-styled revolutionaries who occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon earlier this year. “Criminal defendants tend to be ‘bad people.’ In assessing the U.S. justice system, the issue isn’t what they are; it is what ‘we the people’ are,” Epps writes. “Mistreating bad people is still mistreating people; and the American system frequently does that.”

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