Dead Rocker Sues For “Stairway To Heaven” Writing Credit

May 28, 2014

Our love is like our music. It’s here and then it’s gone, wrote the Rolling Stones, one of the many pearls they threw at swine during the golden age of rock and roll. After that a band called Led Zeppelin played a few concerts with a band called Spirit. Now a lawyer for a dead spirit named Randy California is claiming his client wrote the deathless “Stairway To Heaven,” or at least banged out a few chords that sounded like it during one of those concerts, and went thankless to his grave while Led Zeppelin made millions on the song. Attorney Francis Alexander Molofiy wants to prevent the release of the Led Zeppelin IV reissue until California, who busked outside Indian restaurants with a sitar for a living until his untimely demise, is given a writing credit. “It’s been a long time coming,” said Molofiy.

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