Cybercriminals Adopt Cloud-Based Services Model

November 18, 2020

Malicious actors are embracing cloud-based services and technologies to speed their attacks and more efficiently monetize the data they steal. Savvy cybercriminals now sell access to what they call “clouds of logs,” tranches of stolen credentials and other data hosted in the cloud. They also offer tools to analyze and use what’s on offer. The cloud makes the information more easily available to interested buyers, who use the data to conduct secondary attacks. The time between an initial hack to the stolen information being used against an enterprise has decreased from weeks to days or even hours when the cloud approach is taken. The data stolen routinely includes so much information – keystrokes, authentication credentials to online banks, scans of documents, tax reports, invoices, payment details such as credit card data – that cybercriminals are in the same boat as legitimate organizations. It’s hard to exploit the full potential of such a colossal amount of data without tools for slicing and dicing it.

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