“Cry Me A River,” Says Attorney, re Dershowitz Cancellation

August 12, 2020

Retired Harvard Law Prof Alan Dershowitz, a walking controversy, has dodged another contentious situation. He was scheduled to be the keynote speaker at the Alaska Bar Association’s annual conference, but the conference has been cancelled because of concerns over COVID-19. The invitation was the sole decision of Anchorage lawyer Robert Stone, president of the board of governors. Another Anchorage attorney, Scott Kendall, noted that choosing Dershowitz was a little tone-deaf, considering the fact that Alaska’s rates of violence against women are among the highest in the nation. Dershowitz has at various times represented Jeffrey Epstein, O.J. Simpson and Donald Trump. Those engagements were opportunities for him, Kendall said, and are certainly his right as an attorney. “If the downside to that is, he doesn’t get a free trip to Alaska and get paid $15,000 to give a speech, then cry me a river.” Attorney Stone said the board will meet in the fall to discuss the selection process for keynote speaker when the pandemic is over. Dershowitz said he would enjoy coming and publicly debating Kendall.

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