Thought Leadership
In a recent interview, Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Richard Posner said, “I think the Supreme Court is awful. […]
An historically low rate of judicial conformations crowned by the refusal to even grant a hearing to a Supreme Court […]
Hillary Clinton’s admission during the second presidential debate that she would have a litmus test for appointing Supreme Court justices […]
The DOJ often publicizes cases at the outset in what amounts to a public accusal, and but then goes silent in cases where the defendant prevails.
Because they are so labor-intensive, contract reviews tend to be reserved for pivotal events, but in an era when e-discovery […]
This past summer many big firms gave new associates a substantial raise, up to $180,000 in some cases. The authors […]
In May of this year, the Delaware Supreme Court handed down a decision with major implications for shareholder litigation. It […]
Systematic preparation for a highly unlikely catastrophe “is not morbid thinking or gloom-and-doom prognosticating, but rather a crucial planning feature […]
In many situations, parties to a transaction want to share legal advice among themselves. Parties whose interests are aligned can […]
In most commercial, IP, employment and product liability litigation, it is common for some deponents to be corporate representatives rather […]
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