Thought Leadership

Cost Savings Through “Legal Procurement”

For many years, GCs and in-house attorneys resisted the influence of legal procurement. Meantime, legal spending for many companies grew […]

The Limits of “Sole Discretion” in Contracts

Companies often enter into contractual relationships that give them “sole” or “absolute” discretion to make strategic business decisions. But in […]

“Umbrella Damages” Forecast For Canada

A customer buys a product from Manufacturer A. Two other dominant manufacturers of the product (B and C) previously conspired […]

Fraud Carve-Outs and the Unintended Consequences of Reliance Disclaimers in M&A Transactions

Delaware and New York courts routinely uphold reliance disclaimers to limit representations and warranties forming the basis of an M&A […]

How to Conduct a Successful Internal Misconduct Investigation

Organizations of all sizes confront issues of misconduct. Setting aside allegations that must be investigated in a very specific way […]

Lawyers On Drugs

Secretly strung out on drugs, the Wilson Sonsini IP attorney had became increasingly erratic and distant from his family, while […]

Posthuman For President

U.S. Presidents routinely let their emotions and personality get in the way of doing the job—witness Bill Clinton, Richard Nixon […]

Administrative Review Council Adds Value to Arbitration

Sometimes parties to an arbitration argue about whether there should be an arbitration at all, or whether they are properly-named […]

How will Gorsuch Field State and Local Tax Issues?

The presence of Neil M. Gorsuch could prove to be a key factor in decisions regarding state and local tax […]

Successful Implementation of Law Department Time-Tracking

In order to increases productivity and reduce unnecessary expenses, many law departments are seeking greater transparency with regard to how […]

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