Thought Leadership
For various reasons, leasing space is more advantageous than buying space, so commercial leasing transactions are part of every thriving […]
In October 2017, the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) published CSA Staff Notice 51-352 for companies with United States cannabis-related activities. […]
The origins of the litigation finance industry lie in the distressed litigation space. Now the industry has become mainstream, and […]
In the post-recession era of “do more with less” the pressure is on to find alternatives. Focusing on alternative legal […]
The need for analytics was spurred by the 2008 financial crisis. Legal spend was seen as overhead and a necessary […]
As corporations deal with the latest milestone in compliance, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), data maps will prove […]
According to an opinion by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, the most important legal rule that protects Americans from illegal […]
The case is made for a statute of limitations on whatever indiscretions, blasphemies or other “intemperate musings” judicial nominees might […]
About five years ago, a group of in-house counsel from large corporations started to meet informally. They expressed frustrations with […]
Parties pursuing government contracts or grants enter into joint ventures for many reasons. But joint venture participants often are unaware […]
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