Thought Leadership
Ordinary citizens are increasingly mistrustful of the Supreme Court. They view it as more partisan and political than judicial. Yale […]
Advancements in the last decade have brought artificial intelligence out of theory and into operation. In the legal arena, the […]
The Support Anti-Terrorism by Fostering Effective Technologies (SAFETY) Act of 2002 was passed as part of the Homeland Security Act. […]
Design Thinking is non-linear process, the goal of which is to arrive at the best outcome, given a particular problem […]
Energy sector disputes dominate international arbitration both in number and value, with the highest value arbitral awards in history arising […]
Evaluating future consumption for the diverse set of services that we lump into the category of “e-discovery services” is a […]
Billable hours have been around a long time, and inertia presents a hurdle to innovation. Creative attorneys, however, are learning […]
There are a number of things to consider when using digital forensics for investigating potential theft or improper usage of […]
There is a widespread shift underway in how U.S. citizens view protection of their personal data. Massive data breach scandals […]
Economic systems worldwide are undergoing major structural changes driven by technology, trade, climate change, inequality and mounting populist challenges to […]
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