Thought Leadership

Protecting Electronic Devices at the Border

New guidance allows Customs and Border Patrol officers to continue conducting warrantless basic searches of electronic devices. This policy directive, […]

Cross-Border Discovery and Witness Considerations in Germany and Japan

Products are an inextricable component of life, but it is only when something goes wrong that an action is filed […]

Negotiated Resolution of Criminal Cases in France

In December 2016, France adopted a new anti-corruption law known as Sapin II. France equipped its prosecutorial authorities with a […]

Problems When Transactional Counsel Act as Trial Counsel

When disputes arise involving a contract that your company’s law firm drafted, does it make sense to have that firm […]

Liability for Catastrophic Construction Failures

Catastrophic construction failures such as the April 2019 collapse of a construction crane on a Seattle office building that killed […]

Litigation Analytics: An Advantage for In-House Counsel

When a contract dispute arises, in-house attorneys are often tasked with deciding whether litigation is worth the time, cost and […]

Small Business Reorganization Act Is a Valuable Alternative

The Small Business Reorganization Act (SBRA) of 2019 will become effective in February 2020. It is designed to foster successful […]

Corporate Investigations: What a New Survey Tells Us

In a recent survey of more than 315 corporate professionals conducted by H5 and Above the Law, 63 percent believe […]

Four Questions to Answer About New Privacy Regulations

The United States is introducing new privacy laws that apply to businesses that collect and store consumer and employees’ personal […]

Cyberwarfare Does Not Equal Cyberwar, But Can Still Be Devastating

Many readers will remember the Stuxnet virus, which in 2010 infected computers in Iran and caused thousands of uranium enrichment […]

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