Thought Leadership

cybersecurity concept, business person using laptop to protect data

General Counsel Can Lead on Privacy Compliance

As chief problem solver, general counsel play a pivotal role in overseeing an organization’s strategy for data protection and privacy […]

Business whistleblower, employee disclosing information concept

Supreme Court Ruling Could Be a Game-Changer for Whistleblower Retaliation Standards

On October 10, 2023, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Murray v. UBS Securities, LLC. Employers and HR professionals […]

Microsoft’s $28.9B Tax Battle Highlights Rising Transfer Pricing Risks for GCs

In October, Microsoft announced that it had received a demand for $28.9 billion in back taxes from the IRS, plus […]

boards take proactive approach to AI concept

Guiding the Board: The GC’s Role in Navigating AI Strategy and Compliance

Given the increasingly widespread use of generative artificial intelligence in corporate environments, it’s likely that most general counsel have already […]

career path concept

How Lawyers Ascend to GC Roles– Survey Reveals Insights, Surprises, and the Gender Gap

Becoming a general counsel is the pinnacle achievement of an in-house legal professional’s career. BarkerGilmore surveyed hundreds of general counsel […]

claim denied, liability insurance concept

Traps for the Unwary: Reporting Claims Under Liability Insurance Policies

Companies reporting liability insurance claims need to be aware that the pertinent rules vary depending on whether a policy is […]

ESG business person watering growth investment

Navigating the ESG Landscape: Proxy Statement Challenges and Opportunities

As interest in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) continues to expand, investors now expect disclosure around ESG topics in proxy […]

gavel and handcuffs, crime concept

Is Criminal Enforcement of Section 2, the Sherman Act Coming?

In March, I attended the American Bar Association Antitrust Law Section’s Spring Meeting in Washington. A hot topic under discussion […]

PFAs Free

Advertising Copy is for Now, PFAS are Forever: Tread Carefully on Product Claims

Advertisers that claim that their products are “PFAS-Free” should proceed cautiously. PFAS, also known as “forever chemicals,” identify a category […]

child looking at phone at night

Child Privacy Risk Poses New Challenges for GCs As Stricter Online Protections Take Effect

It’s a scary time to be a parent. In today’s digital world, it’s hard to know where kids are spending […]

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