
One Issue Trump & Biden Agree On, And It Could Spell Trouble For Internet Giants

A report from the non-partisan Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) compares the two candidates’ positions on a range of technology-related […]

“Disturbing Images”: A Beleaguered Content Moderator Sues YouTube

The same lawyer who won a $52 million settlement earlier this year for a Facebook employee is representing a woman […]

Bill-Collecting Law Firm Sued Over Court Debts

A firm that is one of the nation’s largest collectors of debt owed to municipalities and other government entities has […]


Tesla Wins In Ruling Vs Ex-Employee

In the latest turn in a protracted legal battle, a federal judge dismissed a defamation claim by a former Tesla employee, while allowing the company’s trade secrets case…

Elevator Repairmen Allege Years Of Blatant Racism On The Job

It’s inherently dangerous work, but when it also includes confronting things like “noose” graffiti, the n-word scrawled playfully backwards, racist […]

Utah’s Newly Appointed Solicitor General May Face Court Sanctions, After Intervening In A Class Action.

Utah’s incoming solicitor general got a stern rebuke and a threat of sanctions from a federal magistrate in a matter […]

Law Prof: Private Sector Taking The Lead On Climate Action

With government failing to act or denying a problem exists, major players in the private sector are taking the lead […]

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

In July 1991, President George H.W. Bush nominated Clarence Thomas to replace Thurgood Marshall on the Supreme Court. Marshall, was […]

Pandemic Underscores Need To Insure Intangible Assets

A recent joint report from Lloyd’s of London and KPMG finds that as much of 85 percent of total business […]

Ten Mistakes Lawyers Make in Mediation

First on the list: not nailing down a deal that has just been agreed to. After a long day of […]

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