It is axiomatic that time is on the side of the defense in a criminal trial. All they need is […]
Federal agencies are gearing up and regulation of AI is inevitable, according to this post from law firm Crowell & […]
In the wake of an Australian High Court ruling that makes a media outlet potentially liable for defamation based on […]
What began with about 90 state troopers and dozens of public sector employees now includes an additional 600 state workers, […]
In June, the Supreme Court issued its long-awaited decision in NCAA v. Alston, an antitrust case involving the NCAA’s restrictions […]
The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals has affirmed a district court ruling that an Ohio restaurant that had lost business […]
In a putative class action, two former Air Force service members have sued the Secretary of the Air Force, claiming […]
Two recently unsealed lawsuits allege major wrongdoing by the mega-tech company Facdebook’s board of aging whiz kids, Marc Andreessen, Peter […]
A trial court ruling in California, taken to its logical conclusion, would mean that a person who contracts Covid from […]
The risk is greater than they realize, and their insurance coverage is far worse. Those are conclusions of a MarketWatch […]
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