
Two partially obscured figures talking or gesturing at each other, as if in discussion.

When You Need To Sue Your Insurance Broker

A policyholder’s coverage attorney typically advocates for a claim, sometimes in the face of resistance from the carrier, and that […]

A Michael Jordan sneaker

Specialty Insurance Gains New Foothold

A former business development manager at Microsoft owns a “treasure chest of sneakers,” augmented by the lucky discovery of a […]

Crossed spades in front of stylized mountain logo.

Jenner’s Investigations Niche; Now It’s The Movie-Set Shooting

Chicago law firm Jenner & Block, whose roots go back more than a century, is right in the middle of […]

Net-Working the Upper Crust

Daniel Mosley, former partner at Cravath, Swaine & Moore, testified in the trial of Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes as it […]

German & Israeli flags on adjoining waiting room chairs

German, Israeli Police Cooperate, As Israel Becomes A Hub Of On-Line Financial Fraud

At the behest of German authorities, Israeli police raided a call center in Petah Tikvah, Israel, and detained 15 people. […]

Judge Still Trolling For Patent Cases

In the past three years Judge Alan Albright, has actively campaigned for patentees to file suit in his courtroom, and […]

Industrial smokestacks in background, justice scales mounted on big stack in foreground.

The Prospect For D&O Climate Liability Claims

A recent study looks at how, in today’s legal environment, a board’s failure to adequately address climate change-related issues could […]

Quill pen, book open, castle and abacus in the background.

Sorry Facebook, That Name Is Taken, Says PC Maker

Meta PCs, a Scottsdale AZ-based company that assembles and sells high-performance gaming computers, has been around for more than a […]

$50 Million Here, $50 Million There, and Pretty Soon You’re Talking About Real Money.

Jerry Tubergen, is CEO of RDV Corporation, a DeVos family holding, and a trustee for all the family foundations. In […]

Conflict represented as a board game with dice and combat figures.

Trumpies, Police, Sued Over Attack On Biden Campaign Bus In Texas

Plaintiffs in a lawsuit that was filed after a Biden campaign bus was hemmed in and harassed on the highway by Trump supporters have filed an amended complaint…

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