
Alabama Supreme Court Reverses Directed Verdict in Workplace Injury Case

Alabama Supreme Court Reverses Directed Verdict in Workplace Injury Case

Read how The Alabama Supreme Court revived the workplace injury case, ruling that the subcontractor’s cleanup negligence may have caused harm despite shared site duties.

Supreme Court Declines Review of Fourth Circuit Ruling in U.S. v. Contech and Brewbaker

Supreme Court Declines Review of Fourth Circuit Ruling in U.S. v. Contech and Brewbaker

Learn how the Supreme Court ruling limits the per se rule in dual distribution cases and reshapes the DOJ’s antitrust prosecution strategy.

US Supreme Court Weighs Facebook Shareholder Lawsuit Over Cambridge Analytica Scandal

US Supreme Court Weighs Facebook Shareholder Lawsuit Over Cambridge Analytica Scandal

The US Supreme Court heard a shareholder lawsuit alleging that Facebook misled investors by omitting the Cambridge Analytica breach from risk disclosures.

Lawsuit Reveals NSO's Pegasus Spyware Infected Meta's WhatsApp

Lawsuit Reveals NSO’s Pegasus Spyware Infected Meta’s WhatsApp

Even as WhatsApp adapted new defenses, Pegasus spyware from NSO Group continued to exploit vulnerabilities. Read more about the ongoing case.

JPMorgan Chase Sues Over “Infinite Money Glitch” Check Fraud

JPMorgan Chase Sues Over “Infinite Money Glitch” Check Fraud

Learn more about how the bank is cracking down on a viral social media-driven check fraud scheme known as the “infinite money glitch” and what it means for the banking industry.

Shifting Legal Standards in Regulatory Enforcement: Implications for Corporations and Legal Teams

Shifting Legal Standards in Regulatory Enforcement: Implications for Corporations and Legal Teams

Explore how recent court rulings have reshaped regulatory enforcement and accompanying legal strategies, empowering corporations to challenge agency and self-regulatory organizations (SROs) actions.

National Labor Relations Board Targets Non-Compete and Stay-or-Pay Agreements

National Labor Relations Board Targets Noncompete and Stay-or-Pay Agreements

Learn why the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has started mandating stricter rules on stay-or-pay agreements, signaling new risks for employers.

FTC Blocks Tapestry-Capri Merger, Citing Traditional Antitrust Principles

FTC Blocks Tapestry-Capri Merger, Citing Traditional Antitrust Principles

Understand more about why the FTC blocked the proposed merger, citing harm to competition, and the court agreed, relying on traditional antitrust principles.

Supreme Court Reviewing Fair Labor Standards Act Exemption Standard

Supreme Court Reviewing Fair Labor Standards Act Exemption Standard

Read how the Supreme Court’s decision on the Fair Labor Standards Act exemption will significantly affect employers and could reduce employers’ litigation risk.

A Lesson in Board Independence and Disclosure Compliance

A Lesson in Board Independence and Disclosure Compliance

Learn more about SEC charges against a board director for a hidden relationship, highlighting critical lessons in disclosure compliance and board independence standards.

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