The Supreme Court has ruled that plaintiffs cannot mount an antitrust class action against American Express and must instead pursue […]
Nature Valley granola contained an ingredient that’s been demonized by critics of the food industry, but that wasn’t enough to […]
A half million dollar settlement between the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and a Florida “debt settlement” company could be a […]
On May 20th, the Supreme Court denied certiorari in Native Village of Kivalina v. ExxonMobil Corp. In a second case, […]
A Massachusetts appeals court invalidated a one-year statute of limitations in an environmental consultant contract.
It doesn’t necessarily mean the business relationship needs to end. Investigate to make sure your company is not at risk.
The STOCK Act, intended to prevent members of Congress and others in government from trading on inside information provided by […]
Reducing information flow may prevent new companies from gaining the kind of valuable information others already possess.
Companies from two high-tech nodes, Seattle and Silicon Valley, are becoming embroiled in non-compete litigation with increasing frequency. A recent case gave precedence to…
A major victory for Standard & Poor’s, and the judge who signs the order acknowledges…
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