
Do Whistle Blowers From A Contract Firm Get SOX Protection?

The Supreme Court has has taken on a retaliation case that will address the question…

Investor Firms Financing Corporate Lawsuits

What they want to see first…

Fifth Circuit Squelches Greenhouse Gas Tort Claim

A case that was once thought to have potential as a cutting edge precedent has been shut down – for […]

Is The FTC Blaming The Victim?

Hotel chain got hacked, then sued by the Commission.

Ninth Circuit: Nobody Regulates Genetically Modified Alfalfa Seeds

A mixed result for Monsanto, as the decision may help spur legislation.

Copyright Holders Lose, Class Action Denied In YouTube Case

There were thousands of infringement claims, from a variety of fields. “The suggestion that a class action of these dimensions […]

Can Transnational Corporations Be Sued Under The Alien Tort Statute?

The writer looks at a recent Supreme Court decision, Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum, and finds it “fractured and somewhat […]

Climate Change and Engineering Liability: The First Big Case

The Katrina levee breach litigation is likely the first of an upcoming wave of geoengineering liability cases, according to Clarence […]

Arbitration- Litigation Choice Not Always Obvious

Compared to traditional litigation, arbitration is often viewed by in-house and outside counsel alike as a preferable method of resolving […]

Theft of Critical Information by Insiders

Theft of trade secrets and other business critical information by employees and other insiders is increasing at alarming rates and […]

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