
Busy Litigation Schedule For Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Busy Litigation Schedule For Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Journalist says the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau “is engaged in a firestorm of tricky litigation these days.”

lawsuit insurance claim concept

How to Fight Back Against Insurer Declaratory Judgment Suits

Discover the best strategies to fight back against insurer declaratory judgment suits.

Federal Circuit Considers False Advertising Under The Lanham Act

Federal Circuit Considers False Advertising Under The Lanham Act

Read more about a case examining whether false advertising claims are actionable under the Lanham Act.

Carvana Derivative Claim Dismissal Upheld by Court

Carvana Derivative Claim Dismissal Upheld by Court

The court’s ruling on the Carvana derivative claim dismissal underscores the importance of fiduciary duty in corporate governance.

Cybersecurity Professionals Call SEC’s SolarWinds Case Flawed

Cybersecurity Professionals Call SEC’s SolarWinds Case Flawed

More lessons from the SolarWinds Case and why cybersecurity professionals should be cautious about statements concerning cybersecurity.

SEC Win Expands Boundaries of Insider Trading

SEC Win Expands Boundaries of Insider Trading

Learn why companies should review their insider trading policies with the SEC’s now-clarified interest in so-called “shadow trading.”

Supreme Court Denies Vanda Pharmaceuticals' Appeal in Patent Case

Supreme Court Denies Vanda Pharmaceuticals’ Appeal in Patent Case

The Supreme Court has rejected Vanda Pharmaceuticals’ appeal to review the Federal Circuit’s decision invalidating patents related to a sleep disorder drug.

Suit Says FTC Chair’s Presence During MGM Ransomware Attack Precludes Investigation

Suit Says FTC’s Presence During MGM Ransomware Attack Precludes Investigation

The MGM ransomware attack cost a minimum of $100 million in lost revenue. Now the FTC investigation is under objection by the casino.

Federal Court Blocks Enforcement of Revised Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Rules

Federal Court Blocks Enforcement of Revised Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Rules

The injunction puts the entire Community Reinvestment Act revision on hold pending further litigation.  

Are Digital Assets Commodities? A Groundbreaking CFTC Case

Are Digital Assets Commodities? A Groundbreaking CFTC Case

Are digital assets commodities? A new complaint filed by The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) may answer that question.

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