Read about a case that marks a potential shift in how Delaware courts approach SPAC-related claims and de-SPAC mergers involving Special Acquisition Companies.
Explore the pivotal Rashada v. Hathcock case and its implications on NIL Compliance Challenges for the NCAA.
Delve into what the court had to say about attorneys who were misleading class action plaintiffs about the terms of a settlement.
Read about the latest legal case involving time-barred patent claims and what it means for intellectual property.
Delve into the Federal Trade Commission’s logic driving its ban on noncompetes.
Read about why the construction industry should be especially vigilant about the state law that significantly increases penalties for employers misclassifying employees as independent contractors.
Learn more about this significant development for insurers’ Chapter 11 rights and what it means for bankruptcy proceedings.
Read up on the latest case involving Title VII harassment claims and what employers need to know.
The size of punitive damages are spiraling to new levels. Learn more about how your organization can minimize its punitive damage award risk.
Read about recent rulings around Bankruptcy Code Section 363(m) and how it protects asset buyers in bankruptcy, limiting appeals without a stay.
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