
Chanel Patent Case Has Many New Changes

Chanel Patent Case Has Many New Changes

Discover the latest twists in the Chanel patent case: Court grants stay, new Canadian evidence surfaces, Molo amends complaint, and more defendants are added.

Why Your Organization Needs Effective Legal Translation

Why Your Organization Needs Effective Legal Translation

Understand the importance of effective legal translation and how to ensure it complies with appropriate legal standards. It goes beyond just translating words.

NFT, non-fungible token concept

Are NFTs Securities? Class Action Against NBA Partner Sheds Light on the Debate

Are NFTs securities? A class action claims Dapper Labs’ NFTs, sold with the NBA, claims they are. Learn more from the case.

Litigation Risks in M&A and Regulatory Compliance

Delaware Court Settles M&A Dispute By Assessing Equal Damages

Read how a Delaware court settled an M&A dispute by assessing equal damages for contractual obligations and fiduciary breaches.

courthouse columns

Supreme Court Decisions Mean Major Changes In Agency Regulation

Learn how two recent Supreme Court decisions will result in significant changes to the rules that courts will apply in reviewing federal agency actions.

Why Tracking Key Process Metrics Is Important for Legal Ops

Takeaways from an Insider Trading Trial For In-House Counsel

Discover why In-house counsel need to update their advice to executives and employees regarding insider trading thanks to a new ruling.

Court’s Decision May Change US Patent And Trademark Office Administrative Rulemaking Procedures

Supreme Court Upholds Lanham Act Restriction

Learn more about how the Supreme Court upheld the Lanham Act “names clause,” ruling it viewpoint-neutral and constitutional.

Harley-Davidson Prevails in Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act Lawsuit

Read about how a federal court dismissed a class action against Harley-Davidson, which plaintiffs claimed violated the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act.

How Legal Ops Can Build A Collaborative Culture In Legal Departments

Judge Orders Structured Negotiation Over eDiscovery Disputes

Understand why a judge ordered a structured negotiation process to resolve eDiscovery disputes addressing search terms, production delays, and privilege issues.

Delaware Law Amendments Affect M&A

FTC Merger Challenge Denied

Explore the court’s ruling against the FTC merger challenge, which was based on the “failing firm” defense.

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