California’s Civil Code 51.9 was enacted decades ago to codify a woman’s right to work free from unwanted sexual advances, […]
It’s become common wisdom – gleaned in part from witnessing some disastrous missteps by companies like Yahoo and credit reporting […]
In 2012, the Leawood, Kansas, home of a married couple (former CIA employees) and their two young children was raided […]
How are contract obligations affected in times of extreme uncertainty? This post looks first at the force majeure clause and how it might apply when contract non-performance is the result of supply chain…
In the banking sector, small businesses and some individuals have claimed lenders are imposing their own criteria for processing PPP loans, in addition to those mandated by the CARES Act. The first of these targeted….
“Your company’s agent for service of process delivers a lawsuit involving a contract that your company’s law firm drafted. Given […]
Elliott Management Corp., a hedge fund, is financing a lawsuit against the streaming service Quibi. Plaintiff Eko, an interactive video […]
World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc., the wrestling empire headed by Vince McMahon, has been hit with several securities class action lawsuits. […]
The general counsel of the Service Employees International Union calls it “outrageous and shameful.” The NLRB ruling, which went into […]
Some policies exclude devices not owned by the “named insured”; some require that the named insured have an on-the-record….
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