Legal Operations

Why Aren’t Legal Departments Invested in Digital Transformation?

Despite all the hoopla around the importance of digital transformation for legal departments, more than 70% of U.S. legal departments […]

Women Attorneys Are Leaving Big Law and Moving In-House

Veteran women attorneys are leaving Big Law in favor of in-house positions at a high rate, hitting top law firms […]

Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights May Forecast Future Regulation

The White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) unveiled a “Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights” on […]

U.S. Executive Order Protects EU Data Privacy Rights

An executive order signed by President Biden giving Europeans expanded data privacy rights and allowing them to challenge how their […]

Your Law Firm’s Keys to Winning the Talent War

We have been dealing with the fallout from the “Great Resignation” as people reevaluate and renegotiate the way they want […]

How Your Company Can Optimize and Monetize Its Data

As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes pervasive in business, non-tech companies need to learn how to use the unprecedented amounts of […]

Use Your Golden Hours and “Put the Big Rock First”

Each day everyone has two or three golden hours. A golden hour is a period of time when you are […]

SEC Fines Wall Street Firms for Evasive Communication Practices

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has fined 16 big-name banks and brokerages $1.8 billion. The fines include $1.1 billion assessed […]

Only Keep What You Need in Slack, the Rest is ROT

Email has become a searchable personal data repository for messages as well as the documents attached to those messages, and […]

Technology Helps Legal Ops Fix Legal Department Mistakes

How Your Company Can Optimize and Monetize Its Data

As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes pervasive in business, non-tech companies need to learn how to use the unprecedented amounts of […]

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