Legal Operations
Explore the findings from a Thomson Reuters survey of legal, financial, risk, and compliance professionals that shows how AI increases well-being and presents other challenges for legal teams.
Learn the importance of prioritizing outside counsel data collection and how it can shape strategic decision-making.
Understand the impact of the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive which takes effect July 25, impacting companies inside and outside Europe.
Find out why legal operations hasn’t achieved broad operational maturity and the four recommendations that will move it forward on its maturity path.
Dive into what legal departments need to know about ransomware attacks on companies and what to do immediately after an attack.
Discover strategies for building confidence in legal teams and how they will impact the ability to achieve objectives and communicate effectively.
Discover why corporate legal departments are being directed to reassess their outside counsel relationships to manage costs and improve value.
Learn more about how tech bloat results in inefficiency, stress, and burnout among employees rather than the anticipated efficiency and effectiveness.
Understand how confidential business information can be protected during litigation through proper labeling, policies, and protective orders.
A first step toward compliance with the EU AI Act is determining the risk category for an organization’s AI systems. Read on to learn about the other steps.
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