
Bringing “Risk” Back To The Playground

A movement is gaining traction among government officials and schools in the UK: Playgrounds are systematically “bringing in risk,” in […]

In-House Lawyers Can Be FCPA Targets

In one case, the company itself got off the hook on the basis of full disclosure and cooperation, but no such luck for the former GC…

Chevron Sues A Brother Oil Company In Global Warming Fracas

The logic is unusual, but it’s logic just the same. Chevron has filed a third-party lawsuit against Statoil ASA, the […]

New EU Data Protection Will Conflict With IP Rights

The Pending EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will directly impact many U.S. companies, and for IP practitioners in particular it will…

Lawyers Warned Re Handling Cryptocurrency Offerings

SEC Chairman Jay Clayton has issues a stern warning to “gatekeepers” about the advice they are giving regarding initial coin […]

Russian Cybersecurity Firms Both Prized And Feared In West

A Western-oriented Moscow newspaper considers the effect of the Kaspersky Labs controversy and the confusing mixed message that Western companies need field as they…

Lawsuits Hit Apple, Worldwide, Over IPhone Slowdown

Just days after Apple announced it had slowed down the processing speed of older iPhones in order to forestall sudden […]

Appleby Firm Strikes Back At Media

In a terse note on its website , the offshore law firm Appleby, which suffered a massive hack resulting in […]

Soon It’s Self-Driving Cargo Ships, And A Big Liability Question

Liability and insurance issues that will arise after various possible scenarios involving autonomous ships, including cyber attacks and accidents…


Protecting Client Data When Traveling

“Traveling at home and abroad with nearly unlimited access to client data is a boon for attorneys’ productivity. The downside,” […]

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