Intellectual Property

Troll Invokes Mark Cuban’s Wrath With Patent For Watching Movies Early

Billionaire entrepreneur and public enemy of patent troll firms Mark Cuban has a new target: a patent assertion firm that […]

Trial Of A Major Patent Aggregator Opens In Delaware Court

Intellectual Ventures is seemingly the aristocrat of trolls. It presents itself as responsible, and it rarely litigates, explain Jeff Matsuura […]

No Secondary Liability For Founder Of Allegedly Infringing Company

An Arizona district court found that BioD failed to make its copyright infringement case against the founder of Amino Technology, […]

Good Trolls And Bad Trolls

The Nebraska attorney general recently put trolling for patents right up there with soliciting child pornography and selling designer drugs, […]

Appeals Court Weighing Validity Of Gov’t Request For Unencrypted Emails

Now-defunct email service Lavabit’s defense claiming that providing unencrypted missives to the court violates privacy was not as compelling to […]

Antitrust and Competition: Nonmerger Enforcement Activity Heats Up on Both Sides of the Atlantic

U.S. and European antitrust agencies are likely to continue to focus on intellectual property, financial services and pharmaceuticals in 2014.

Jury’s Verdict in Madden Football Copyright Case Overturned

Last summer a jury found that the Apple and Sega Genesis source codes were “substantially similar,” and therefore EA had infringed Antonick’s copyright. However, last week, a California Federal District Court overturned the verdict and granted EA’s motions for judgment as a matter of law and for a new trial.

Distributing Earnings Call Information to the Public Is Fair Use

An Appeals Court ruled that the unauthorized distribution of a recording and transcript of a company’s earnings call was allowed as copyright fair use, opening the door for news organizations and other services to redistribute and sell companies’ earnings call information to customers and the public.

Court Rules Google Must Pay Millions To Tiny Vringo, Alleged Patent Troll

Small patent-assertion firm Vringo scored a victory in court against Google this week that could be worth hundreds of millions. […]

Apple Awarded Solar Charging Laptop Patent

Apple was awarded a patent this week for a solar-charged laptop. The patent describes a two-sided display for the lid […]

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