Intellectual Property
The Justice Department is backing cable television providers in a Supreme Court case pitting the traditional TV business model versus […]
The New York Attorney General reached a settlement in an antitrust case between two generic drug manufacturers that had an […]
Companies need to monitor the movement of inventors in and out of their institutions…
When does a voice become a character, with accompanying intellectual property rights? That was the question in a recent case […]
Since the implementation of The America Invents Act, we’ve seen 15 months worth of inter partes review (IPR) and covered […]
A noted IP blogger says the Administration ignores rampant infringement.
A celebrity wig maker is suing rapper Nicki Minaj for allegedly taking his designs and selling them under her own […]
There are two legal mechanisms you might invoke if you believe your trademark is in jeopardy of infringement, according to […]
Just because CrossFit was able to convince Facebook to take down items for sale for using the company’s trademark without permission, doesn’t mean a court will agree.
As brands expand their social media presence, where light-hearted “smack talk” can be encouraged, even rewarded, instances of commercial disparagement are likely to rise. A Massachusetts court’s ruling may make it easier to bring such cases.
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