Intellectual Property

DOJ Backs Broadcasters In Supreme Court Streaming TV Copyright Case

The Justice Department is backing cable television providers in a Supreme Court case pitting the traditional TV business model versus […]

NY Settlement May Inform Pharmaceutical Antitrust Cases

The New York Attorney General reached a settlement in an antitrust case between two generic drug manufacturers that had an […]

Patenting Headache When Employee-Inventor Leaves

Companies need to monitor the movement of inventors in and out of their institutions…

Hank Azaria Wins Funny Voice Copyright Suit

When does a voice become a character, with accompanying intellectual property rights? That was the question in a recent case […]

Fifteen Months Of Review Petitions Under The America Invents Act

Since the implementation of The America Invents Act, we’ve seen 15 months worth of  inter partes review (IPR) and covered […]

Fearing Trolls, Has The Obama Administration Turned Anti-Patent?

A noted IP blogger says the Administration ignores rampant infringement.

Nicki Minaj Sued By Former Wigmaker

A celebrity wig maker is suing rapper Nicki Minaj for allegedly taking his designs and selling them under her own […]

First Response When Your Trademark Is Threatened

There are two legal mechanisms you might invoke if you believe your trademark is in jeopardy of infringement, according to […]

“Facebook Said I Could” Defense Fails to Justify Digital Millennium “Trademark” Notice

Just because CrossFit was able to convince Facebook to take down items for sale for using the company’s trademark without permission, doesn’t mean a court will agree.

Commercial Disparagement An Increasing Concern In The Age Of Social Media

As brands expand their social media presence, where light-hearted “smack talk” can be encouraged, even rewarded, instances of commercial disparagement are likely to rise. A Massachusetts court’s ruling may make it easier to bring such cases.

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