Intellectual Property

Who Owns A Joke?

There’s no question that comics steal jokes from one another, but a scholarly review found not a single copyright case […]

VC Trade Group Warns: Don’t Overreach With Troll Legislation

A trade group that is said to represent 90 percent of the venture capital under management in the United States […]

Future Of Many Companies Riding On Alice Corp v. CLS Bank

Today the Supreme Court will hear arguments in a case whose outcome will shape the future of some of the […]

Global Businesses Shying Away From Cloud Computing In Wake of NSA Revelations

A survey finds that businesses world-wide are increasingly turning away from cloud computing and looking to more secure data storage, […]

Actress In “Innocence Of Muslims” Case Wants Google Held in Contempt

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has not determined whether it will rehear a controversial copyright ruling issued last month […]

Toshiba & Samsung Argue – Technology Evolves/Patent Claims Don’t

This case is a study in the boundaries of patents in fields of rapidly progressing technologies, where the landscape looks entirely different toward the end of the patent term than it did at the time of the patent’s issuance.

USPTO Eases Requirements for Track I Prioritized Examination

In interim rules released this month, the USPTO eased formal requirements for obtaining Track I prioritized examination of a new application.

USPTO Issues New Procedure for Assessing Subject Matter Eligibility of Patent Claims

In a guidance memo to examiners on subject matter eligibility, the USPTO clarified that apparent products of nature must be “significantly different” than something naturally occurring to be eligible.

New Target for Patent Trolls, And It’s Not In Retail

Patent trolls have been most active in the technology and retail industries. Now, according to a Morgan Lewis white paper, […]

Apple’s IP Strategy Lambasted By National Black Chamber Of Commerce

Most African-Americans with smartphones use Android devices instead of Apple, perhaps because they are cheaper and available without a contract […]

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