Intellectual Property

Why Patent Examiner Interviews Should Be Recorded

Many critics have said the current patent process often fails to perform one of its basic functions, as defined by […]

Taxation Of Copyright Sales: Ordinary Income Or Capital Gain?

How copyrights are taxed – capital gains or ordinary income – has a colorful history, involving half-done paintings of FDR and a talking mule.

U.S. v. Yeh Illustrates The Challenges In International Trade Secrets Cases

Ellen Chen Yeh admitted downloading Texas Instruments proprietary information before leaving the company for a China-based semiconductor manufacturer, but was recently acquitted on all counts. What companies can take away about the trickiness of proving intent beyond a reasonable doubt.

As Apps Rise, Are Domain Names the Next AM Radio?

Protecting domain names under the expanded gTLD landscape may be costly and, in the end, ineffective. But Fenwick & West LLP attorneys say that companies taking the longer view can count on mobile eclipsing web domains in the not-so-distant future anyway.

Will Patent Trend Favoring Corporate-Owned IP Stifle Innovation?

U.S. firms are making ever more expansive claims to their employees’ intellectual work – in some cases demanding employees pre-assign […]

A “Troll” By Any Other Name

The term “troll” has never been defined as it relates to patent litigation, yet it is routinely employed by courts […]

Could George Bush’s Paintings Get Him In Copyright Trouble?

Since former President George W. Bush opened an exhibit of artwork featuring world leaders he knew during his tenure in […]

The Most Litigious NPEs in 2013

In what’s described as an effort to bring “transparency to the monetization market” and what some will no doubt call […]

IP Law and Sound Business Practice

This article summarizes some major developments in patent law and their implications for IP practice and business strategy. The 2011 […]

Claims Without Merit are the Problem, Not Trolls

The effort to curb non-practicing entities takes place within a statutory framework that grants inventors the right to transfer a […]

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