Intellectual Property
Growing your patent portfolio to take advantage of the America Invents Act, confronting the top ten myths about post-grant trials at the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, and addressing “the rise and wrath of design patents.”
Gaming company Blizzard Entertainment is taking a stand against programmers who create and sell cheats that provide a competitive advantage […]
A Massachusetts court has ruled that a contractor that did not sign – and was not asked to sign – […]
The Justice Department’s indictment this week of five hackers from the Chinese military is “an important shot across the bow” […]
California judge Gary Klausner ruled that the Warner Bros.’ Matrix Trilogy did not plagiarize a screen play for a film […]
Tired of seeing the U.S. patent system being used as a punching bag, David Kappos, former director of the U.S. […]
An internet archive of radical writings was sued by Lawrence & Wishart, a small, leftist publisher, which asserted copyright ownership […]
A critic says the protocol at the U.S. Patent Office is contributing to the country’s stagnating economic recovery and badly needs reform.
A Seattle law firm has filed an antitrust class action against Google, claiming the tech giant “illegally monopolized, and financially […]
Though its latest patent battle with Apple ended with Samsung on the hook for a fraction of what Apple asked […]
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